Waterjet > Technology >
How the Waterjet technology works
The intensifier pump pushes a water jet at very high pressure in the self-aligning cutting head moved by CNC control system.
The water, ejected through a gauged orifice at four times the speed of sound, mixed with abrasive to cut any shape and materials up to a general maximum thickness of 300mm.
The Waterjet technology is the most various and easy to operate manufacturing process, further handling is not needed, it doesn't produce mechanical and thermal deformation, it allows and high optimization level through a 1mm gauged jet.
It has no limit in terms of material type and size up to 300 mm using abrasive or just by water.
It is really easy to use because the same tools and the same conditions can be used with the majority of materials.
All of the above allow reduction of manufacturing time and costs in every sector, also thanks to the WaterCad-Cam software that provides with a simple click a customized work plan for any material and thickness.
This machines can also be used for cutting of marble, granite, ceramic and porcelain.
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